Recipe By Jaxters
Ref: 849
Heading: Bread & Baking
Cuisine: British & Irish
Food Type: Vegetarian
No of Portions: 6
Change no of portions required to :
Ingredients & Prep
400 g
Porridge oats
300 g
Butter salted
200 g
Light brown sugar
180 g
Maple syrup or golden syrup
Step 1
Pre-heat the oven to 180°C fan.
Step 2
Grease a 30cm by 20cm shallow non-stick baking tray with extra butter.
Step 3
Place butter, maple syrup & sugar into a saucepan over a med heat, stir & melt until the sugar has dissolved then take off the heat, add oats & mix in.
Step 4
Tip mixture into the baking trat, even out & press down with a silicon spatula, then place in the oven & bake for 20 minutes or until a little darked around the edges.
Step 5
Take out of the oven & while still hot make some portion cut marks with a knife for later when cold & ready to eat.
Suggestion & Tips
You can add some raisins, nuts or chocolate drops or all of them.